Supporting children’s development for a brighter future.

Help Me Grow Marin is a nonprofit organization that connects parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals, giving them the tools they need to ensure their child is growing properly. The first five years are critical to a child’s development, and Help Me Grow is a national organization that works towards educating, screening, and providing resources for their localized community.

The Marin County team came to Good Stuff Partners wanting a website and a refreshed identity. As there was no site, we had to work closely with their team and help them craft site architecture, create content, and build out the site.


Good Stuff Partners

Creative & Design Lead
Brand Identity
Logo & Icon Creation
Font Family
Photographic Style & Treatment
Website Wire-framing & Design


Mangrove Web

Developing a welcoming & informational resource.

The website needed to feel inviting and warm to users navigating potentially complex and heavy subjects. It also required to be accessible to native Spanish speakers, so we worked with the developers to create a copy of the site in Spanish. Also, producing simple icons and a color-coded system was implemented to help users understand the site regardless of their language background.

Audience landing pages

Icon set

Understanding the Help Me Grow Model.

The Help Me Grow Marin team had this informational video produced to premiere at their forum for their brand launch. With Help Me Grows present from all around California, as well as representatives from the national office this short video presented the new identity and gave a walk-through of the website. The animator did a great job of integrating the brand’s look and feel throughout the video as well as extending it to avatars, showcasing how flexible and extendable this identity is.