How do you make turning 25 something to look forward to?

Growing up, turning 13, 16, 18, and of course, 21 were all milestones to look forward to, but 25 felt like this ever-looming date that symbolized the end of childhood. Entering your mid-twenties for most means fully entering the real world, setting up plans for the next 5, 10, and 15 years, and especially being a planner and over-analyzer, I felt this insane pressure to adult the moment the clock struck midnight on my birthday. To combat this sense of a quarter-life crisis, I decided I needed to have one last blow-out party, celebrating my 25th birthday.


Brand Identity
Logo & Icon Creation
Font Family
Spot Illustrations
Website Wire-framing & Design
Photographic Style & Treatment

Everyone who knows me knows I'm a festival queen. There's nothing better than being with your friends, immersing yourself in all types of music, and having a full-day experience. Camp Quarter Life was inspired by the festivals I've frequented and gave me a creative outlet to express my branding style. The funky, playful, colorful, layered identity of Camp Quarter Life is a genuine reflection of who I am and is perfectly demonstrated in the custom logotype.

For months before the event, I spent my weekends and after-work hours building the festival identity, painting and crafting the assets for the day, and meticulously creating playlists that would flow from one song or genre to the next without needing shuffle or management. The day of experience had different zones with multiple games and activities that set the stage for an all-day event, with all my friends saying, "Wow, I felt like I was at a real festival."

Not just a birthday party but a festival experience.

Process videos documenting the games and signage I hand painted for the event

Spotify covers designed for carefully curated playlists