Growing awareness for the opportunities foster youth deserve.

Foster youth face some staggering disadvantages and often fall behind their peers, but Pivotal is out to change that. Pivotal is a nonprofit organization working with youth in foster care to reach their goals and determine their own path through scholarships and coaching. They focus their work during the critical years of high school and college, getting their first jobs, and now have expanded to middle school.

Having led their rebrand and transformation from Silicon Valley Children’s Fund to Pivotal, Good Stuff Partners has become their agency of record, working with them intensely over the past 4 years, developing an authentic campaignable brand with a personality that reflects the vibrancy and resilience of the youth they work with.


Good Stuff Partners

Icon Development
Print Layout Design
Website Wire-framing & Design
Photographic Style & Treatment


The Pivotal Annual Report is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of the life-changing work Pivotal does; there are hard-hitting statistics, heartwarming stories of resilient foster youth, and inspirational action items. The 2021 report was the third one Good Stuff has designed for Pivotal. As the project lead on this report, it was up to me to work with the Pivotal team to create and organize content, create interesting visual layouts and further develop the Pivotal brand in new ways to keep their identity feeling fresh and exciting. 

Annual Report 2021

Internship Campaign 2021

Over the years, they have done an amazing job placing their youth in summer internships. With the pandemic hitting, they lost a great deal of intern hosts, and the youth lost life-changing opportunities. For 2021 they reached out to Good Stuff Partners to help them reach their goal of placing 50 summer interns. 

Working closely with our Creative Director and the team at Pivotal, I was the project lead tasked with developing headlines and copy for both digital and print ads, building out and designing the landing page, and writing radio scripts.

Mentoring a Pivotal Intern

In the summer of 2020, it dawned on the Good Stuff team that, as Pivotal’s agency of choice, we should take on Pivotal interns ourselves. We brought on two brothers, Nemi and John, and experienced our first remote internships. It was such a fantastic experience that we decided to have them back the following summer. As Nemi's key point of contact, I delegated projects for him to work on, helped him manage and budget his time, provided insightful feedback that made the work stronger, and taught design principles that complemented his education as a Graphic Design major. Nemi and I kept in touch after his internships at Good Stuff and had working sessions where I would provide feedback for his classes and senior projects. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences to watch Nemi's skills constantly develop and grow into a strong designer.

With the help of Pivotal and Good Stuff Partners, my summer has been productive and engaging. I improved my skills and completed work that will look exceptional in my portfolio. I’m incredibly privileged to have had this opportunity and appreciate all the kindness I’ve received during this internship. It’s been heartwarming.

— Nemi, Pivotal Intern